Financial Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

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Financing a small business is one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face. However, with careful management and organization, you can make it work – even when times are tough and your business is struggling. Today, JST Investment Consulting shares a few tips to help you improve your business finances.

Making Receiving Payment from Clients Less Troublesome

The way you receive payments from clients can make all the difference in terms of cash flow and efficiency. Consider making it easy for clients to pay by offering multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. Additionally, consider setting up an automated billing system so that invoices are sent out and payments are processed with little effort on your part.

Working with an Accountant to Manage Invoices

Forbes notes that hiring an accountant or bookkeeper may be one of the best investments you make as a small business owner. An accountant can help you set up systems to manage invoices and keep track of expenses more easily. They also offer valuable insights into areas where you could save money or where additional opportunities may exist to increase revenue.

Implementing Project Management Software to Assist with Bookkeeping 

When you take advantage of platforms that improve productivity and efficiency to aid in streamlining business functions, you can’t go wrong with project management software. And to help with searching for the ideal solution, here's a possible solution that can also make bookkeeping much easier. There are many accounting software programs available today that offer features such as tracking expenses, generating invoices, monitoring sales, and more.

Organize Sales Monitoring and Invoicing

ZarMoney points out that keeping track of your sales is essential when it comes to managing your finances successfully. Make sure you have systems in place that give you real-time updates on sales so that you can adjust the pricing or product offerings as needed. Additionally, make sure invoices are sent out promptly after every sale so that payments come in quickly as well. 

Tracking Credit Card Processing and Chargebacks

It’s important to stay on top of credit card processing fees as well as any chargebacks or refunds that occur on purchases made by customers using credit cards or other forms of digital payment methods. Staying ahead of this type of activity will help keep costs down and ensure cash flow stays healthy for your business moving forward.    

Discover Ways to Save on Shipping and Fulfillment

Shipping products is often one of the most expensive costs associated with running an eCommerce store or selling products online in general. Finding ways to reduce shipping costs can help improve profitability significantly over time so consider negotiating rates with carriers or utilizing third-party fulfillment services if possible to save money wherever possible on shipping costs.

Changing Your Business Structure

Since different business structures have different pros and cons, it might be a good idea to revisit your current structure and make a change. A limited liability company (LLC) might be a better fit because of its legal protections and tax benefits, as well as increased flexibility and reduced paperwork. This conversion could lead to considerable savings over time depending on the size and scope of operations being conducted by the business.

Financial management requires dedication and attention but it is essential for all businesses especially smaller ones that operate without large budgets or resources at their disposal. By implementing sound strategies such as investing in a project management platform and other ideas outlined above, small business owners should be able to take control of their finances more easily while also boosting their bottom line significantly over time.

With careful planning, diligent execution, and using the right software, any small business should be able to achieve financial freedom quickly!


This article was written by our featured contributor, Sara Bailey of As a widow and mother of two, she knows from experience how important it is for parents to have a strong financial plan.

Excerpt from “Like many people who have lost the love of their life, I never in a million years thought I’d be here. On my 40th birthday — which I spent with my husband and our two kids bowling, devouring cupcakes, and laughing more than I ever thought was possible — I never dreamed that by my 41st, I’d be a grieving single mom raising a son and daughter on her own. But here I am, and with each passing day, I get a little stronger, and life gets a little easier.” If you or you know someone who may be facing similar challenges, please visit Sara’s website for support.

JST Investment Consulting does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. 

Image via Pexels

Financial Education

JST Investment Consulting has selected Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. as primary custodian for our clients’ accounts. 

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