Using Your IRA to Buy Real Estate

Is this unorthodox investment idea underappreciated?  You can invest your IRA assets in different ways. Should you invest a portion of those assets in real estate?    At first thought, putting real estate into an IRA may seem like...

Keep Calm, It’s Only A Correction

After 20 months of relative calm, this volatility needs to be taken in stride. correction Are you upset by what is happening on Wall Street? It may help to see this pullback within a big-picture context. Corrections have become so rare as of late...

The Magic of Compounding

This is the factor that could really build wealth for young adults. Most wealth is built gradually. Sometimes it is built without any great financial sacrifice. You can cite one factor that promotes wealth building perhaps more than any other –...

How Should You Respond To Volatility?

How should you respond to volatility? When considering this question, you may want to think about the bigger picture before making any decisions. In 2017, Wall Street saw very little pronounced volatility. The absolute daily percentage change for...

Tolerate the Volatility

Look beyond this moment and stay focused on your long-term objectives. Volatility will always be around on Wall Street, and as you invest for the long term, you must learn to tolerate it. Rocky moments, fortunately, are not the norm. Most attribute...
Unappealing or too conservative for you? Think again. They have their place. When stocks soar, fixed-income investments have comparatively little allure. Investors hungry for double-digit returns may regard them as bland, vanilla securities saddled...

Adopt Better Financial Behaviors

Most people often struggle to keep their yearly resolutions and make headway on goals. WHY? Humans aren't robots. We frequently behave irrationally and make emotional decisions. Build better finances this year by overcoming your brain's natural...

Affluent Investor Investment Challenges

Affluent investors face unique challenges when putting together an investment strategy. High net worth investors face investment challenges that some would consider unique to their financial status. The fundamental tenets of investing apply...

What is the Value of a Financial Advisor

One study asserts that these relationships can make a difference for investors. What is a relationship with a financial advisor worth to an investor? A 2019 study by Vanguard, one of the world’s largest money managers, attempts to answer that question. Vanguard’s...
Focusing on Your Strategy During Turbulent Times. Investors are people, and people are often impatient.No one likes to wait in line or wait longer than they have to for something, especially today when so much is just a click or two away. This impatience...

JST Investment Consulting has selected Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. as primary custodian for our clients’ accounts. 

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